Run Openspeed in a containter to check the speed from your computer to the container running on your Synology NAS.
- Make sure Container Manager is installed and configured, for instruction see here.
- Setup a Docker Bridge, for instruction see here.
Installation OpenSpeed in a Container
- Start Container Manager
- Registry, search openspeed
- Download openspeedtest/latest
- Please choose a tag: latest, apply
- Image Tab: select openspeed/latest, Run
- Container Name:openspeed, select enable auto restart, next
- Port Settings:
local port 3000, container port 3000, TCP
local port 3001, container port 3001, TCP
local port 8080, container port 8080, TCP
- Network Choose: synobridge, next
- Summary, Done
Start OpenSpeed
- Start webbrowser
- Go to <IP address> or URL NAS and use port 3000 for HTTP and 3001 for HTTPS.
For example: or
- To start a speedtest press “Start”
- To run a speedtest for 300 seconds:
For example:
For more options click the results after finishing the speedtest on the webpage, for example click on download.